Twitter killer Threads?

Md Omar Faruq
3 min readJul 16, 2023


Twitter killer Threads? by Md Omar Faruq, omardgmark
Twitter killer Threads? by Md Omar Faruq, omrdgmrk

Twitter killer Threads?
Thread vs. Twitter: A Battle for Microblogging Supremacy.

In the world of social media, microblogging platforms have revolutionized the way we connect, share, and engage with others. Recently, a new app called “Thread” has emerged, aiming to challenge the dominance of the ever-popular Twitter.

Meta, formerly known as Facebook, has recently unveiled this latest feature which bears striking similarities to the Twitter platform.

However, many are questioning whether Threads is merely a copycat or if it offers something unique and valuable to users. With both platforms vying for user attention, let’s take a closer look at how Thread stacks up against Twitter.

Threads will eventually support ActivityPub, a decentralized networking protocol that allows users to control their data and interact with other apps that use the same technology. This could enable more diverse and interconnected social networks.

📌 Interface and User Experience:

Thread boasts a sleek and intuitive interface, focusing on simplicity and ease of use. The app allows users to create threaded posts, enabling them to expand on their thoughts and ideas seamlessly. On the other hand, Twitter, with its familiar layout, offers a more traditional experience, limiting users to concise 280-character tweets. While some may prefer Thread’s extended format, others may appreciate Twitter’s brevity and real-time nature.

Users can follow other individuals and receive updates from them in their Threads feed.

Additionally, Threads incorporate hashtags and mentions, further resembling Twitter’s functionality.

While Meta’s move to emulate Twitter’s format raises eyebrows, some argue that Threads offers potential advantages. The feature is integrated into Meta’s broader ecosystem, allowing users to seamlessly transition between the main Facebook app, Instagram, and Threads. This integration may attract users who prefer a unified experience across platforms.

📌 Features and Functionality:

Thread introduces unique features that set it apart from Twitter. The app offers built-in support for multimedia content, enabling users to attach images, videos, and even audio recordings to their posts.

Threads Vs Twitter
Threads Vs Twitter

Additionally, Thread offers private messaging, allowing users to engage in one-on-one conversations. Twitter, on the other hand, focuses on trending topics, hashtags, and retweeting, fostering a culture of viral content and real-time conversations.

Another key distinction between Threads and Twitter is the emphasis on privacy. Meta claims that Threads prioritizes user privacy by giving users control over who can view their posts. This approach diverges from Twitter’s more open nature, where tweets are often publicly accessible.

📌Community and Reach:

Twitter has a massive user base and has established itself as a go-to platform for news, opinions, and discussions.

It has cultivated a vibrant community where users can connect with influencers, celebrities, and thought leaders. Thread, although new, has been gaining traction among content creators who value in-depth discussions and longer-form content.

Critics argue that Meta’s effort to imitate Twitter is indicative of a lack of innovation and highlights the company’s tendency to copy successful features from competitors. However, others contend that Threads has the potential to offer a simplified, more privacy-focused alternative to Twitter, appealing to users seeking a different social media experience.


In the battle between Thread and Twitter, the choice ultimately boils down to personal preference and intended usage.

Twitter offers a fast-paced, real-time experience, ideal for quick updates and viral content. Meanwhile, Thread caters to users who prefer deeper conversations and enhanced multimedia capabilities.

Whether you’re a fan of brevity or long-form engagement, both platforms offer unique features that cater to different needs.

As microblogging continues to evolve, the competition between Thread and Twitter is sure to fuel innovation and deliver more options for users in the exciting world of social media.

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